Dispatched Teachers

On-site Training for Employees- Dispatching Teachers to Schools / Organizations / Companies

Custom- Made Curriculum for Your Company

We carefully analyze and identify the goals of your company. Then we tailor a curriculum to fit your needs. We may dispatch teachers to your company, or your employees may attend classes at Global Village. We provide expertise on how to use government subsidies for language training. Our intensive language training will make you competitive on the global scale. Inquire about available languages (English, Chinese, Korean and more).

Recommended if You

  • Serve their customers better
  • Improve business etiquette in order to compete on a global scale
  • Offer language training on-site for their staff (so that they don’t need to attend language school)
  • Boost their employees’ public speaking skills; train them in negotiation and business email etiquette

Our Recoed

Companies We have Served Successfully: Resort hotels, business hotels, scuba diving shops, tourism associations, liquor companies, big shopping malls, furniture stores, souvenir shops, restaurants, transportation companies, retail stores, beauty salons, kindergarten, international schools and more.

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