Limited time offer! We’re having an Early Bird Special!


New term! Japanese courses are starting from the beginning of July!
It’s a good time to join, we’re giving everyone who signs up for our Early Bird Special a 3,000 yen voucher
which can be used at various shopping centers and convenience stores.

  • TARGET: people interested in Japanese courses
  • SIGN UP BY: June 20th
  • BENEFITS: get a 3,000 yen voucher

Schedule a free consultation and secure your class NOW!

Comprehensive Course
Grammar Course
Hiragana&Katakana Course
Survival Japanese Course
and more!

Why People Choose Us
– Faculty of professionally licensed, native speakers
– Small class sizes, individual attention guaranteed
– Well balanced, comprehensive curriculum
– Emphasis on real-world spoken Japanese
– Consultation and ongoing support at any time
– Various opportunities to practice with locals (parties, events)

We highly recommend signing up for a free consultation first,
so that we can tailor a schedule to your goals and needs.
Schedule and pricing vary depending on the course and level.

If you are interested in one of these courses or would like more details,
please feel free to contact us with your questions!

TEL: 098-896-1577

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